Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good digestive stystem

Good Health Begin with a good Digestive System

Good health begins with good digestion. Improve digestion and you will improve your overall health, it’s as simple as that. And if you think you have perfect digestion, think again. In a perfect functioning digestive system, nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and waste is flushed out in a timely manner. Unfortunately this is not so common in today’s world. Today, with processed foods lacking enzymes and natural fibers and loaded with refined sugars, combined with a more sedentary and less active lifestyle, the time that food sits in our colon is slowing down. In fact, if you are not removing solid waste from your body at least 2x every 24 hours, then you more than likely have a digestive issue that you didn’t even know about.   

Include enzymes in your diet. Enzymes are another vital component to support the healthy aging of the cells in the body. Make sure to include a percentage of enzyme-rich raw, pickled and very lightly cooked vegetables and fruits in your daily diet and chew them thoroughly to release their enzymes and to avoid putting any stress on the digestive system. When our foods are getting properly digested and assimilated, circulation of blood and nutrients to the skin is improved, keeping it youthful and wrinkle-free.

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What is so bad about not removing solid waste from the body at LEAST twice a day? Several things. First imagine trapped waste in your colon that begins to rot into a cesspool of decaying matter. These wastes remain in your body for days, and if some of this waste material deposits along the colon wall, it may not leave for months or even years. Amazingly, it has been said that these deposits of hardened fecal matter can get to be 2 or 3 inches thick and as hard as tire rubber. Particles of this waste are absorbed and reabsorbed into your blood stream spreading to all the vital organs in your body. This creates a serious health issue known as auto-intoxication or self-poisoning. When toxins build up in the colon, it will contaminate every other part of the system and many symptoms and forms of sickness can result.